Monday, October 29, 2012

Dear Lord-
I just want to Thank You for all the growing and things you have been showing me lately.  Thank you for your love and your helping me to stay focused and growing in you.

I pray that as I step out into my day may I let you be my guide.  I give you this day to use me anyway that you see fit.  Open doors for me and help me to step into them.  May the kids that we talk to today grasp what we are presenting to them.  May they grasp a future that they can focus on and learn to keep their eye on what they can become instead of all the pressure around them to fail.

God - I am learning everyday to trust you more, but help me to learn to not walk in fear.  It is still something that I am struggling with everyday, but if I can learn to take you with me then the enemy cannot overcome me.

Thank you Jesus that I have now lost 30lbs.  I am feeling better and I am so happy that I have been able to focus to do this.  Help me focus even more.  Lord - help me today to not over eat, but to be satisfied with the food I eat.  Lord help the food I eat to satisfy me.  May I trust in you in everything that I do.

May this day be a day that I am able to talk to someone about you and how much you love me.  Help me to introduce someone to you today.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Laws of  Making your life Matter -

The Law of Value-  The marketplace pays for value. What detemines your value is your skill.  You can really increase your value by Edifying those around you.  So you must create value in yourself and in others by valuing yourself and those around them.

What does Edification look like.  You appreciate everyone around you, even Husband or Wife, Kids, the receptionist, your boss, your employees, your co-workers.  Do you know how to make them all feel as if they are important people in your life and that you appreciate them.

Remember the Law of Reaping and Sowing - If you are telling others that they appreciate them they will appreciate you.  You are important to them and they are important to you.  Why not tell them that you appreciate them and love them. 

What would your life look like if you didn't have your family, your husband, your wife, your kids, and the people around you.  It would be lonely and depressing.  We need to leave our life like we appreciate it.  Not like we are barely getting by. 

Do something nice for someone around you today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 21, 2012


I began this journey about 90 days ago now.  The purpose of this journey was to recreate my life as I knew it from being a manager for a business to be a manager of my own business.  Pretty selfish while simple - I wanted to lose 130 lbs and to start my own business and learn to be a business woman.

Really didn't think too much about my relationship with God and how that would change in the time frame.  It was really a way for me to BLOG about the changes as they occurred.  I have not posted much the last two weeks because to be honest I have been trying to understand the changes that have been occurring very deep inside my soul and mind.

These are changes that I really had no idea would come with all the changes that I made.  I really didn't think to much about them, but listening to DANI JOHNSON, she made recommendations of books to read.  This last one I got was on the TONGUE and controlling it.  I spoke in a couple BLOGS ago about the power of the tongue and how it can speak life and death into us.

Well I also ordered this book called - HOW TO PRAY by Morris Cerullo.  Didn't really think to much about it, but I have been listening to DANI pray and in her prayers you can feel the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Although I really didn't know that and understand that it was the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT that was manifesting in her prayers.  I just realized that they were different and that I could really connect with her prayers and I wanted to learn to pray in this same power.

This is really what I found myself most admiring about DANI is her prayers and ability to read people.  I was so afraid of people if you do back and read my earlier posts.  Then DANI said she was afraid of them too when she first started.  I realized that all of a sudden that if she could overcome these fears and be used by the LORD in a mighty way then I could too.

So I committed to changing.  First I read my bible everyday, but I really didn't add the prayers except for a short period.  But as time has been going by and I have been learning what it will take to be successful in business.  I began to realize that I was not tapping into the most important thing I needed to change my life.  I had to tap into the power of JESUS NAME and ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING.  I was not hungry for the change at first, but now I am fully committed to changing who I am.  I want to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.

I have wanted to know what I could possibly do in this world that would make a difference and now I realize that I can make a difference by learning the skills to make my business work and then taking the money that will come from the success and being able to it back into the world to help people.  Before I lost my job I wanted so bad to be doing something that would allow me to help and give back.  NOW I know what I need to do in order to give back.

I need to put JESUS first, then tap into the HOLY SPIRIT and the power of PRAYER and let him be my intercessor to JESUS who will take my petitions to GOD who will be able to honor them and make my life something beautiful that HE can use to further the kingdom of GOD.

Now my focus on people is to be able to share with them the wonderful LORD and SAVIOUR that I share.  I am spending an hour in prayer and bible study each morning.  I am spending time praying for our nation and petitioning the LORD to bring our nation back to HIM.

I realize that all the church needs to do is tap into prayer for our nation and cities.  That is what the disciples, Paul and Jesus all did,  They tapped into prayer.  We have such a magnificent thing, but the devil keeps us so tied up in our own heads that we often lose sight of taking the time to prayer.  As long as he keeps us from PRAYER my fellow Christians we are defeated. 

Please stop being defeated today and make changes immediately.  God is calling all of us to change.  WHAT WILL YOURS BE.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's been a few days since I posted.  It is because I have been totally wrapped up in getting myself trained on Praying.  I have learned in the last few days that I had no really no idea to pray.  We so easily say.  I will pray for you, but the truth is that until we surrender to the HOLY SPIRIT and allow HIM to teach us to pray to Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit was given to us to help us make these amazing changes in our life.  We can try and do it on our own, but we will fail.  We can only succeed when we are rendering our lives to the HOLY SPIRIT and getting away with the Lord and listening to HIM.  That is when our life will begin to change in the way that the LORD can perform miracles through us.

Some of you may be thinking that I really don't think miracles happen in this world, but if you read the New Testament you will find that the Lord has a plan for you that includes doing getter things the people did in the New Testament.  That is why he sent the Holy Spirit to give us power.  So until the we allow the Holy Spirit to take over our lives and give us a vision for the people around us, then we are unable to really live our lives in freedom.

I am asking GOD to give me a burden for this world.  I want a real burden for each an every soul who does not know the wonderful life that the Lord gives when we accept HIM as our personal saviour.  He came to this world and died just so each of us can have life and yet many people have not accepted HIM as their saviour.  All HE asks is that we give HIM our life and let HIM into our heart and soul.  Lord Jesus my heart and soul are yours.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I finally finished the book of Job.  It was somewhat of a hard book to read with all the elements that are entangled in its contents.  I know that losing everything only to have it back again at GOD's gracious timing is what life is really about.  We are all losing things in our lives.  Right now there seems to be a lot of people losing family to death.  I can remember the day that Larry died - my first husband - like it was this morning.  I remember waking up - going to the restroom - coming back and finding him lying there in bed and the total devastation I felt in my body.  Knowing that my life had just changed, but I refused to get angry at GOD.  I knew he was ready to go.  All I could keep thinking about was what it must have been like to go to sleep and kiss your wife goodnight and tell her you love her and the next minute seeing JESUS. 

Almost mind blowing if you really try to grasp it in this human realm, but thank GOD I do not have to understand it here.  He has it all under control.  He has renewed my life like he did Job.  I have a new husband who loves me and we have a life planned together.  It will be a life that was better than before, because GOD means so much more to me now that I have experienced the loss of a loved one. 

I just don't want anyone to have to face their eternity without JESUS as their personal saviour.  After all he died to give us the freedom to know that we have a future and a hope in Him.  Heaven and eternity is all that really matters.

Today I started reading Ecclesiastes by Solomon - the wisest man to ever live - He makes it very plain that all of life has no meaning without GOD or JESUS CHRIST in our heart.  There is no fulfillment in life itself.  Life is vanity and accumulating stuff and people will never make our lives worth living.  Like Job, Solomon, David, Paul, and myself have found the only fulfillment in this world is a life that is dedicated to GOD.  When our focus in life is on pleasing HIM and fulfilling what HE has brought us here to do.  Then we can find fulfillment.  Sometimes that means full time ministry, but for the majority of us it means being KINGS in the marketplace.  Reaching out to those around us concerning the love of GOD and helping people find that lasting peace in GOD.

I know that this may sound strange to some people, but I know and understand that the only way I can make sense of life is to understand that GOD has a plan for me and each and every person on this planet.  You just have to step up and accept your destiny.  My destiny is in making money to send to places where they do not have the opportunity to make money.  I want to make money and take it away from the oppressor who uses it for things like pornography and sexually immorality which tears people down and takes them to the depths of despair.  There is a better way and that is JESUS and the hope that springs eternal.  Even saying HIS name makes my heart sing and my spirits lift.

Try it for yourself.  He is the amazing and wonderful and HE died to make you free.  All you have to do is accept HIS death as your replacement for your sins.  Ask JESUS to forgive you of your sins.  REPENT and ASK JESUS to come into your heart and make you a free person.  HE will do it immediately and you will know.  Then start reading the bible everyday.  The Bible will teach you everything you need to understand. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today I am just taking action - Don't care what the results are - Just Action.   I am learning how important it is to control my brain.  I know in Romans 12:1 and 2 it talks about transforming your mind, but I had no idea how much my brain the oppressor uses to feed negative things and pushing me not to trust what the Lord is doing for me and against me.

Have you ever realized how amazing our brains are - Try this exercise with a Friend or your spouse -  Hold your hands together and say - I can do this - I can do this - while someone trys to pry your hands apart. Then say I can't do this - I can't do this, while someone trys to pry your hands apart. WATCH what happens - Let me know. It is amazing -  NOW YOU KNOW THE REAL POWER OF THINKING POSITIVELY. 

When me and my husband tired this I realized for the first time that I must be very watchful of what I allow my tongue to say.  For years I have been limiting myself with negative words that were killing me and speaking death into my life.  Know I am trying to always being positive.  Especially in this business venture.  I absolutely love that God has given me this opportunity to pursue a business that helps people.

I am going to praise GOD everyday for this business and the talent he has given me.  I have to improve my abilities in order to reach the heights this business can take me, but I am up to that and I will do it.  I am no longer afraid, because I know that breeds more fear.  Now I am telling myself - MY BUSINESS is SUCCESSFUL.  I am blessed with more money that I can give to the orphans and power.  I am totally surrendering to this process and learning what it means to believe in what the LORD is doing for me and not what I am able to do.  I can't do anything without GOD, but with him all things are possible.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It has been a growing morning.  Today -  I started using how to pray which Dani teaches and I found it as a great road map.  First - Edification and Honor to the Lord - Second - Forgiveness for anything that is incorrect in my life - Third - Petition  and ASK Him in the NAME OF JESUS - BOLDLY - Then I remind HIM that he promised from the word.  Fourth - Agree and Believe - You have to discipline your mind and body to agree with what you prayed. - YOU MUST CONTROL AND CONDITION YOUR TONGUE TO SPEAK LIFE. - Life and Death is in the power of your tongue.  Weigh FAITH against your feelings.  Feelings have to be sized up to your faith.  If it doesn't match then send the Feelings back to hell where they belong.

It was so good to actually Pray and feel like I was really making it to the throne of heaven.  I want my life to be a blessing to others and I want the Lord to be glorified in my life.  I actually prayed that God would produce outrageous results in my life by guiding me each day to make my schedule to produce what he wants in my life.  I need to make sure that In Jesus Name I am praying to the father for he is my intercessor.

Lord you are amazing and I love you with all my heart and more than anything else I want to receive the power of your spirit living in me.  I want my life to be glorifying to you. God you are so amazing and I trust you to help me make the best choices for my business and making it work.  I will trust you with everything that I need from you.

Lets talk about money - If you are stressing about money or not making enough in your business then  - It is a sign that you lack a certain skill.  So we keep putting forth that the current skill will yield more of what you are getting.  It is something that you don't know or aren't doing.  You know something when you are getting the results.  If you are stressing about money, but you are not following directions.  Taking action and making decisions reduce your stress.  If there are decisions that you have not been wanting to make then just make them and you will make progress.  I seem to lack a skill in closing the sale.  I have listened to the tapes, but I am missing something.  So I am hoping that when I get to FIRST STEPS TO SUCCESS.  I hope to get my closing down. I am so insecure and that does not help either.  I need to get some confidence in myself.  I must get the knowledge and skill I need.  I am the only person I can control.  REMEMBER this it is so important.  I have to transform my mind.  I have to tell myself that I can do it.  I will do it.  I will succeed.  My business is successful.  I am a productive and positive person.