Thursday, September 13, 2012

I finally finished the book of Job.  It was somewhat of a hard book to read with all the elements that are entangled in its contents.  I know that losing everything only to have it back again at GOD's gracious timing is what life is really about.  We are all losing things in our lives.  Right now there seems to be a lot of people losing family to death.  I can remember the day that Larry died - my first husband - like it was this morning.  I remember waking up - going to the restroom - coming back and finding him lying there in bed and the total devastation I felt in my body.  Knowing that my life had just changed, but I refused to get angry at GOD.  I knew he was ready to go.  All I could keep thinking about was what it must have been like to go to sleep and kiss your wife goodnight and tell her you love her and the next minute seeing JESUS. 

Almost mind blowing if you really try to grasp it in this human realm, but thank GOD I do not have to understand it here.  He has it all under control.  He has renewed my life like he did Job.  I have a new husband who loves me and we have a life planned together.  It will be a life that was better than before, because GOD means so much more to me now that I have experienced the loss of a loved one. 

I just don't want anyone to have to face their eternity without JESUS as their personal saviour.  After all he died to give us the freedom to know that we have a future and a hope in Him.  Heaven and eternity is all that really matters.

Today I started reading Ecclesiastes by Solomon - the wisest man to ever live - He makes it very plain that all of life has no meaning without GOD or JESUS CHRIST in our heart.  There is no fulfillment in life itself.  Life is vanity and accumulating stuff and people will never make our lives worth living.  Like Job, Solomon, David, Paul, and myself have found the only fulfillment in this world is a life that is dedicated to GOD.  When our focus in life is on pleasing HIM and fulfilling what HE has brought us here to do.  Then we can find fulfillment.  Sometimes that means full time ministry, but for the majority of us it means being KINGS in the marketplace.  Reaching out to those around us concerning the love of GOD and helping people find that lasting peace in GOD.

I know that this may sound strange to some people, but I know and understand that the only way I can make sense of life is to understand that GOD has a plan for me and each and every person on this planet.  You just have to step up and accept your destiny.  My destiny is in making money to send to places where they do not have the opportunity to make money.  I want to make money and take it away from the oppressor who uses it for things like pornography and sexually immorality which tears people down and takes them to the depths of despair.  There is a better way and that is JESUS and the hope that springs eternal.  Even saying HIS name makes my heart sing and my spirits lift.

Try it for yourself.  He is the amazing and wonderful and HE died to make you free.  All you have to do is accept HIS death as your replacement for your sins.  Ask JESUS to forgive you of your sins.  REPENT and ASK JESUS to come into your heart and make you a free person.  HE will do it immediately and you will know.  Then start reading the bible everyday.  The Bible will teach you everything you need to understand. 

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