Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It has been a growing morning.  Today -  I started using how to pray which Dani teaches and I found it as a great road map.  First - Edification and Honor to the Lord - Second - Forgiveness for anything that is incorrect in my life - Third - Petition  and ASK Him in the NAME OF JESUS - BOLDLY - Then I remind HIM that he promised from the word.  Fourth - Agree and Believe - You have to discipline your mind and body to agree with what you prayed. - YOU MUST CONTROL AND CONDITION YOUR TONGUE TO SPEAK LIFE. - Life and Death is in the power of your tongue.  Weigh FAITH against your feelings.  Feelings have to be sized up to your faith.  If it doesn't match then send the Feelings back to hell where they belong.

It was so good to actually Pray and feel like I was really making it to the throne of heaven.  I want my life to be a blessing to others and I want the Lord to be glorified in my life.  I actually prayed that God would produce outrageous results in my life by guiding me each day to make my schedule to produce what he wants in my life.  I need to make sure that In Jesus Name I am praying to the father for he is my intercessor.

Lord you are amazing and I love you with all my heart and more than anything else I want to receive the power of your spirit living in me.  I want my life to be glorifying to you. God you are so amazing and I trust you to help me make the best choices for my business and making it work.  I will trust you with everything that I need from you.

Lets talk about money - If you are stressing about money or not making enough in your business then  - It is a sign that you lack a certain skill.  So we keep putting forth that the current skill will yield more of what you are getting.  It is something that you don't know or aren't doing.  You know something when you are getting the results.  If you are stressing about money, but you are not following directions.  Taking action and making decisions reduce your stress.  If there are decisions that you have not been wanting to make then just make them and you will make progress.  I seem to lack a skill in closing the sale.  I have listened to the tapes, but I am missing something.  So I am hoping that when I get to FIRST STEPS TO SUCCESS.  I hope to get my closing down. I am so insecure and that does not help either.  I need to get some confidence in myself.  I must get the knowledge and skill I need.  I am the only person I can control.  REMEMBER this it is so important.  I have to transform my mind.  I have to tell myself that I can do it.  I will do it.  I will succeed.  My business is successful.  I am a productive and positive person.

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