Monday, October 29, 2012

Dear Lord-
I just want to Thank You for all the growing and things you have been showing me lately.  Thank you for your love and your helping me to stay focused and growing in you.

I pray that as I step out into my day may I let you be my guide.  I give you this day to use me anyway that you see fit.  Open doors for me and help me to step into them.  May the kids that we talk to today grasp what we are presenting to them.  May they grasp a future that they can focus on and learn to keep their eye on what they can become instead of all the pressure around them to fail.

God - I am learning everyday to trust you more, but help me to learn to not walk in fear.  It is still something that I am struggling with everyday, but if I can learn to take you with me then the enemy cannot overcome me.

Thank you Jesus that I have now lost 30lbs.  I am feeling better and I am so happy that I have been able to focus to do this.  Help me focus even more.  Lord - help me today to not over eat, but to be satisfied with the food I eat.  Lord help the food I eat to satisfy me.  May I trust in you in everything that I do.

May this day be a day that I am able to talk to someone about you and how much you love me.  Help me to introduce someone to you today.


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