Friday, September 7, 2012

Been a couple of days since I have posted, but busy getting ready to do my show at the Soybean festival here in Martin, TN.  It has been a quiet couple of days, just learning to continually make God a priority in my life no matter how busy I get.  It is funny how I have made sure to take my Bible and get my daily reading done no matter what it takes. 

This is a new thing for me, but so rewarding.  My life has been so focused on doing what the Lord wants me to do and I have grown so much in 60 days I barely recognize myself.

I am so excited that I keep learning about making my life in the top 2%.  It is a big change for myself, but I am making progress everyday.  I am learning from DANI how I can be a more productive person in society.  Someone that brings about change and really gets what life is all about.  I know that I am not so self-absorbed anymore. 

I look forward to getting to see Dani live at the end of the month.  I have allot going on between now and the end of the month and Lord I would love to see 1 more distributor that converts to supervisor before the end of the month.  So let me doing the things that will get me there.  I need to constantly be headed in this direction.  I am so looking forward to being a producer.

DANI says to pray for exactly what you want from the LORD and then take action.  In the Bible it says to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK.  Dani says to pray specifically for outrageous things that you want from the LORD and see what he does when you put action to it.  So Lord, here is the action that I am putting forward now.  I am going to commit to getting an ad on Craig's List and then an ad in the newspaper for Distributors.  Lord I need to find people that are interested in getting healthy and helping other people get healthy.  Lord please bring people to me that are wanting to get their health as well as their lives in shape.

We as Christians often forget that when we are healthy we are better able to serve YOU.  Lord - help me talk to 10 people tomorrow about HERBALIFE and the changes it can make for them.

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