Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday August 12,2012

Don't normally post twice in one day, but I just feel the need to work through a couple of things in my head.  I wish that I couldn't read people so well and that I could just let the way they act roll off my shoulders like my husband does.  I just read them and I can tell things that I wish I just didn't notice.  I do not want to be judgmental, but when peoples actions are screaming at you what do you do. 

I was trying to help someone out and they just didn't want me to say anything.  Loud and Clear I was in their space.  So I am trying so hard not to judge and not to be a person who judges.  I want the spirit of the Lord, but it is so hard.  So Lord if I handled this wrong or please help me in the future to find your spirit within me and deal with them the way that you want me too.  I really just want to exhibit your love at all times.

On another note today was truly a blessing from the Lord.  I have been trying so hard to make this new concept for my life work that I really hadn't considered until the other day that I just might be pursuing the wrong thing for me long-term.  Well I kinda knew after a couple of weeks that long term this being a business owner may not be where I was going to find my true talents.

Today in church the Lord just showed me that he had other plans for me.  They are plans that he has been leading me down for a while.  In college I accidentally ended up in the Christian Education Major.  When I applied for school I applied in the General Studies program, but when I went to get my classes I was in Christian Education.  So I figured this is where the Lord wants me, but when I got done with College I didn't have enough money to pursue the rest of my education.  So my life took me into the business world where I got a job and then I got married.

Well when I meet Mike he kept trying to tell me that I would make a good teacher, but I kinda ignored it.  Then when I lost my job one of my employees told me that he thought that was what I needed to pursue.  Then when I decided to volunteer at a local christian right to life clinic I ended up in schools in the spring helping to teach SEX education.  I had this weird feeling that I was where I was suppose to be when I was in the school. 

Well this morning when they dedicated the new school year. The Lord just knocked me in the head:
this is where I want you and where I need you for the rest of your life,  So stop fooling around and pursue this, why do you think I stopped you from going back to school for business.  You have been thinking you made a mistake, but that is not the problem.  You were headed in the wrong direction.  Well didn't exactly say everything this way, but it sure is what I heard.

Then when I told Mike what I wanted to do he said.  It is where I thought you should be from the day I meet you.  I will help you do it.  So tomorrow it is off to find out what it will take, but I want to do it before I get myself off track again, but in my heart I know this is where I belong.  It is funny, but I know he will put me where he needs me.  I have surrendered my heart and my soul to him and he is directing my path as he promised.

One last note - tonight in church we had a night of all songs and worship.  It has been 33 days of consistent study and worship and praise of the Lord on a daily basis.  This made tonight the most precious night of praise and worship that I have ever experience.  Amazing it was like standing in the presence of the Lord and being able to Thank Him personally for dying on the cross and letting him know that He is the most HOLY and HIGH God and saviour.  Thank him for going to the cross and taking my punishment and when I make it to heaven I am going to bow down before him and worship HIM forever.

Thank you amazing God and Savour.  GLORY, GLORY, GLORY Lord God Almighty.

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