Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to my little brother AL -

It has been a very busy day and I have done alot and am really excited.  Had a great day getting everything done that had to be done to get people on their way to losing weight.  People that just want to change their life and get healthy and feel better about themselves and their health.

Yes - Aging is something we all worry about, but we have to understand that we have got to take care of ourselves.  We have to think and be healthy in order to produce the health in our lives.  I want to make progress and I am making sure that I keep up the things that need to be done in order to meet these goals.  I will not give in and tell myself that I cannot lose this weight.  I will seek to let the Lord help me make the changes I need to make.

Tonight my last post is going to be about what Dani Johnson said tonight.  She challenged me to look at my life one year from tonight.  What would I say has changed.  So I am trying to see what changes will there be.

So I will start with I am making $3000.00 a month working parttime in my business.  I will make $500.00 a month in my jewelry business.  I will be in school fulltime studing to teach Special Education.  I really want to work with kids and this is an in demand job that I can get help going to school and the University of TN at Martin has an excellent program for this.  So in 4 weeks I am going to meet and look at the program, but in my heart I know this is where I will be.  We will have cut out debt in the house in half and pay off all our small debt that is lef tover from my first marriage.

I know that if you understand where you want to be in life you can get there, but if you are wondering around wondering what you want to do.  Then you will never get there.  Remember under promise and over deliver.  That will get you what you want in life, because everyone will realize that you are honest and they can depend on you to do what you say.  So many people in life over promise and under deliver and I have seen that so many times.  I always wondered what made me so different and listening to Dani I know.  I have used lots of her principals I just didn't know I was using them.  So now I am refining them and making them work for me.  By the time I work with her for a year I will be a different person.  I will be at a weight that will be healthy and I will be able to articulate what I want out of life and in a job.

So here is to a great year ahead.  The last 38 days have been so great an experience that I am so learning to grow.  It will be worth it when I make it to the end.  I am starting to not be afraid of life, because I realize that all I have to do it take it one step at a time and I will be a very successful person.  Thank you Jesus for helping me realize that I am a King that you can use right where I am at and I do not have to be in a mission field or in the church.  I am to plant seeds where I am at and watch those seeds grow.

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