Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012

Let the Journey begin -

I began my journey now 33 days ago  I determined on that day that for this next year I would make sure that I spent time with God everyday first thing in the morning and make sure that I took what I had learned from each day and post it.

That was my way to keep myself accountable to losing weight, having devotions, growing personally each day, and most of all creating this new person who I want to be a strong, God-centered person, who loves my husband and has a purpose in life.

Yesterday, was the first day that I stumbled and missed my time with God.  So today I made it a point to get up and have time with God.  I am reading about Ezra right now and behold the scripture this morning talked about Ezra and how he determined to study the word of God and follow God and God blessed him due to that.

I am really beginning to see what all the people who really Love God understand and try to tell us people who make God our Sunday thing really means.  God wants us everyday and in every way.  He does not just want "lip service".  He wants heart dedication that spends time with Him everyday learning who he is and what he wants from us.

It is coming so much clearer as I look at all these Old Testament people and see their fickle behaviour.  They followed God and then they didn't, but it always says when they followed Him that they were blessed and when they decided they could do it on their own they had to be punished into needing God again.  That happens in our lives I am sure. 

The question is are we listening and paying attention or are we smart enough to turn to God and follow Him.  That is where the blessing is.  What are you doing right now in your life?  God I give you my life and my person.  I chose to follow you.  Not the people around me but YOU.  You are my fortress and my guide.  I allow you to direct my path.  I chose Your way and Your word.  Thank you Jesus for this lesson.

Ezra 7: 9 and 10
He began the journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month and arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month. The gracious hand of his God was on him. 10 Now Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel.

I determine Lord today to study your word , memorize it, and teach it as you show me all the new and wonderful things I will learn and grow in as I make this the number one priority in my life.  I Love You Lord and Saviour.  You are my Rock and my Bread.

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