Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8,2012

We have to Stand on the promises of God

This has been a very interesting day.  I made my dials for work today and yesterday.  Now I have only a few left so what am I going to do?  I don't have money to buy them.  So I am going to try and generate some on my own.  I signed up with a Classified Ad and I am going to do some more FREE ads, plus I am doing a shake party on Saturday and Sunday.  Giving away my a Basic Program for weight loss.  I would like to generate 100 leads.  I also am going to sell off a bunch of the stuff I bought when I was working. Planing the WLC for Obion County too.

The Lord promises that if we plant it, it will grow.  So I am planting tons of seeds everywhere and in any way I can find.  Lord please let me have the faith that they will grow into something.  I am doing all this with the faith that eventually it will blossom and grow.

The other thing I realized today and have been fighting is my mind set.  Dani and Cory both keep telling me that you have to believe.  Well tonight at church I realized that I don't have it within me to believe.  I have to go back to the source of all my strength and that is the Lord.  He says that if I keep putting him first and keep putting his word in my heart he will take that and help me grow and change my mindset.

Romans 12:1 and 2: 12 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

What I understand is that if I will continue to study my bible everyday and learn what the Lord wants and concentrate on His will.  I will pray and throw myself into his word and what I need to learn there.  As I grow in the word and knowledge of the Lord then He will direct me and reconform me to what he wants me to do.  Isreal kept following the Lord and then they would turn their back on Him.  Lord, please help me to continue this journey following you no matter what else happens in the next year, let me continue to make my time with you Lord my priority.  This journey is the most important thing I can do.  I have to submit to you and Lord I need you to help me always make you my priority. 

I told him that I would do whatever he wanted and I meant that.  Even if it means that I have to leave my comfort zone.  Eventually I will learn to do what he wants me to do.  God I bring my heart to you and ask you to help me to learn to be myself and comfortable talking to people.  Lord help me to please just throw myself in your arms on Saturday and Sunday.  Help me see how this product can help people and touch their lives. God help me to apply some of the principals I am learning from Dani.  Lord help me to remember to make people and their needs what I am looking for and how I can meet their needs.  Lord just held me see and open the right doors with my speech, like you did for Moses.  God you put the right words and actions in him at the right time and I ask for this in my speech and how I handle Saturday. 

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