Monday, August 6, 2012

August 5th, 2012

Letting go of FEAR and embrassing Glorifying GOD

Now that I understand letting go of FEAR, and I am feeling less FEAR, having let go of my EGO and just walking in the love of the LORD.  The next thing the Lord seems to be calling to me about is Generosity and not just in money, but in time and effort.

The Lord wants each of us to be able to give.  Why?  because when we give it allows others to Praise the Lord.  Never thought of it that way before, but WOW how true.  Have you ever watched Secret Millionaire.  Most of the time the people are praising God or Jesus when the money is given.  Look at the Chick-fil-a issue.  Mr Cathy got attacked because he stood up for what the Lord says is right and in turn the LORD blessed him with the best day he ever had.  God Blesses his people who stand up for him in the world that wants to deny his existance, but he exists, never doubt it.  It only takes a few times of truly looking at the world to know it could not exist without divine thought and order.

There is way to much order, to how and why things happen.  Look at all the non-christians who practice the principles the Lord set forth and they are able to reap the benefits.  That is the principal most Christians never really get.  Why - I believe it is because we are too busy living like we have nothing invested in our Christianity.  We are afraid to be totally dedicated to the Lord.  What might he ask us to do?  We get so caught up in our own little worlds that we totally forget what the Lord is asking us to do.

Look at Daniel even when he faced the Lions he let God be God.  Why can't we just live our lives and put Him first and let him be God.  Paul let God be God and he never went into anything without consulting Him.  I was listening to an interview with one the runners in the Olympics and he said GOD was his coach.  WOW amazing that someone has gotten to the point in his life that he can let GOD be GOD and not worry about what people think.  Tebow is the same way.  My Father is the same way and I have always been so frustrated with him about, but I finally get it.  Let GOD be GOD and you really have nothing to worry about it.  It is not money, it is not fame, it is not a great home, it is not a great job, it is not a great husband -- none of this makes life worth living -- It is your relationship with GOD the Father.  If her you total focus and you are listening and doing what he wants you to do you will not go wrong in life.

Life is an amazing gift.  Many people like me waste it and think they are really living, but it takes learning that fellowship with GOD is what really makes life worth living.  When we can understand and live like that we will have a life that is full of abundance, no matter our circumstances or situation.  After all life will end and when we meet JESUS -- what a day of rejoicing that will be. 

I Love you God and I want to live my life pleasing Lord to be, and if I gain any praise let it go to Calvary.  Lord Bless Me so that I can hear people say.  Thank You Jesus for this wonderful gift.  Lord Bless Me so that I can give and be generous in both time and money.  Help me a blessing to those around me, but especially to someone each day that needs encouragement and love.  God I want to be a servant that makes this world a better place for You.

Ps 19:17 - Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will give a reward to the lender.

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