Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 4th, 2012

May my heart and soul always be one

Singing this in my heart this morning - This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.  I Love You Lord and I lift my voice to worship you, Oh my God Rejoice.  Take Joy my King in what you hear.  May it be a sweet, sweet, sound in your ear. - Tonight is concert time with the Booth Brothers and Sisters and I am really looking forward to hearing them.

Today's scripture is very interesting.  It dealt with a King in Judah who outwardly said the right things and did the right things, but his heart was double minded.  He did not really believe what he was saying and eventually it came back to haunt him, because what is in our hearts always comes out.  That is why when someone has had a hard childhood, they have to transform their mind.  Romans 12:1 and 2 addresses this very issue.  It has always been a scripture that I cling to.  Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.  So that you may prove what is the good and perfect will of God.  my paraphrase.

I think about my life the last few years, while I trusted you Lord and my heart believed and confessed you.  My outward actions didn't always fall in place.  I was not spending time in your word really getting to know you each day and keeping me focused and because of that I was unable to really be the person you wanted me to be and you could not allow me to really grow.  I have noticed since I have been having my devotions each morning my heart is tender and looking for the good in each day. I don't get angry as much and I am much more tolerant to my husband and people.

Now I am spending time in your word and I am growing.  I am one heart and one mind and that is to serve you wherever you may guide or open up doors.  I am learning to trust you and follow you completely and without doubt and fear.  I am learning that you love me and when I love you back you have a plan that is perfect and completely mine.  It is a good plan full of hope and good. 

God help me to thank you each day for what I have. 

Lord my prayer today is : God please let me sell that house in Huntington.  It is time for it to go and cut our debt in half.  Help me to send my money to the Tire company and dentist and get those paid off.  Lord let us keep our Mortgage paid on time and our bills paid each month.  Let us keep our tithes up to date and never miss an opportunity to help where we can financially. 

God Thank you for my wonderful husband and this house and my family who all love me so much.  God help me to treat everything you have given me with respect.  May I sell off all this stuff I don't need or give it to goodwill to sell.

Help me keep my eyes on You never to be double minded again.  Let me be like Paul steadfast and ready to tell anyone about how wonderful You are at anytime the opportunity presents itself.

So I am off to Land Between the Lakes today to celebrate the Hummingbird and God wonderful nature.  It is a picture taking adventure.  Packed and ready to go.  I will post a couple of my favorite pictures tomorrow.

Also concert tonight - Praising God and Lifting up his wonderful Name.

Praise and Thank You Jesus.  Wonderful Saviour and Lord.  Yahweh, Yahweh - we love to praise your name Yahweh.

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