Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3rd, 2012

Just an Ordinary Day or is it?

We all have those days once in a while, just kinda of what did I really get accomplished today.  Paid some bills.  Helped my husband get his Excel studies done.  Learned Microsoft 2010 Excel.  Had my devotions.  Praised the Lord anyway for a wonderful day that was filled with his presence and love.  Signed a contract to start training next week on Tuesday at Noon.  I applied for a job with Dollar General.  Posted a U Tube video on my web page.  Helped my husband load Powerpoint and then get his presentation together.  Guess I really did do alot today.  I just didn't realize it.  Sometimes the time flies and you are just guided along without really having a direction, but I really enjoyed days like that, but it really doesn't get me to what I think I am trying to accomplish.

But Dani says that you only need a four hours a day if you are doing things right.  I really need to learn to take those 4 hours each day and use them well.  So next week that is the concentration.  To figure out what I really need to do.  What makes me tick?  What do I truely love doing?  What would make me jump to get out of bed each day?  Where would I love to go everyday?  What would I love to do?

I have to answer these questions for myself.  If I am every really going to turn my life around and make it what I want I really want it to be I need to know what I really want out of life.  I don't know that I have that answer right now.  Is is Photography, design, jewelry or something that I don't even know now - everything I have been doing is simply to try and make money, but that is completely against what I need to be doing.  I need to know what do I truely love and I would do it even if I was not being paid. 

The answer to that keeps coming seems to be taking me back to my Strengths Finder, which showed me that I am a Learner and I also like to include everyone.  Learning to help people learn and do new things seem to appeal to me. God put me into education when I went to college.  So somewhere in all this then maybe this is what I need to pursue.  As I help these people learn about Photography and Weight Loss.  So I am going to take on these challenges to make them the best they can be when I do them.  This means I need to come with the best plan I can for these classes.  I have to recruit starting next weekend for the Weight Loss Challenge.  I need to put together a great program where people will really learn and grow.  They will be able to lose weight and will learn how to focus on the inside to make the changes.  Both spiritually and mentally. 

I am watching the special about the Billionaires and I understand that listening to these people is that they are special.  They have the mentality that they give back and they are unafraid.  They love risks and love meeting failure head on.  They are not afraid to fail.  This is something that I need Lord how in the world do I learn this approach to life.  How do I learn to just face life and do it.  Put one foot in front of the other.  Find things that I enjoy and just do it.  Rejection no problem.  Someone will listen to me the person is out there that I need to meet and needs to meet me.  I can give to people and charities.  The biggest thing is learning the focus I need each day so that I can really do what I need to do, but what is it that I need to do in order to get these things accomplished.

I must follow my passion - not be afraid to fail - I must give back. I have to figure out what it is that I have to offer. I have to plan to do what is good for the other people that I am trying to help learn. Whether it is photography or weight management or healthy lifestyle or starting your own business or online marketing or blogging or sex education. Wow I have a lot I can offer now.

This is just a quick update on something I have noticed with my Fear where I am making progress so it is not all lost in my fear area.  As much as I have been reading my Bible and looking at the lives of people that Loved the Lord and trusted him into battle everyday. I am not really at a point where I am completely able to let that fear go, but I want to. I have noticed that I am less afraid of people when I am in public. I have learned to smile and engage with people in a positive manner, which I would not have done in the past. I really think I am growing, but am I where I want to be. No, I have to really get to the point that I am completely trusting God and letting him be the center of my life. That is where I know I need to be no matter what that means I may be doing to contribute to life everyday. 

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