Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

Agreeing with God and Receiving it

I just learned one more powerful way to make my life a blessing and what Jesus needs me to be.  When I find a verse in the Bible that I want to be reflected in my life.  I need to say to Jesus that I receive it.

I see that Nehemiah rebuilt the wall in 52 days, which was a miracle from God and all those around Jerusalem.  I receive this that you God in the name of Jesus are going to build this business.  Not so that Herbalife can receive the credit for it, but that you God in the name of Jesus will receive the glory and praise.  God in the name of Jesus I promise to give you all the glory and credit.  My life is yours and I pray that if there is anything in my life is keeping me from your blessings, show it to me and I will correct it.

Lord Jesus in your name I pray your blessing on my business and I receive it in the name of Jesus.  You say that when your children obey you and do what you show them to do that you will be with them and help them do what they need to do.  God in the name of Jesus I pray this on my life.

Lord Jesus in your name I pray that you will bless my home and land and sell my house in Huntingdon.  I pray that you will bring the person that is intended for that house to buy it.  Lord I honor my realtor for the work he is doing and I pray that you will forgive me not honoring the first realtor.  I pray forgiveness for not consulting you on the first realtor and getting her out of fear. 

Lord Jesus in your name I dedicate my life to helping and reaching people for you.  You called me when I was in high school and I have been living in a life of fear.  I pray your freedom from the oppressor in the name of Jesus from fear and oppression and from depression and the feeling of uselessness.  I bound up all these feelings and cast them back into Hell and in the name of Jesus they will not be apart of my life anymore.

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