Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012


Wow what a morning I have had studying and learning this morning about UNITY and how each person fits into this world.  We often are told we all have talents and we have to use them, but most of us think about this in terms of the church, but what I am learning from Dani Johnson is that we all have gifts and those apply to all areas of our lives.  This is why so often when I have read books there was always some things I would constantly struggle and wonder why it was so hard for me.  Now I realize it just wasn't an area I was gifted in and I had to learn it and allow it to grow so that I would be able to use it and get more and more of it as I grew.

What a relief for me.  This is how my day has gone.  I started my morning reading in Nehemiah 2 - which was about the rebuilding of the wall.  What struck me from this list of people was that each person took a section of the wall and rebuilt it, but it says things like Perfumers, daughters, Levites, goldsmiths. merchants, priests, and all walks of like - It even says the except for noble of the Tektites did not lift a finger, but left the work to the supervisors.  Wonder what he was trying to say with noting that.  Think about it.  Anyway notice there were all walks of life that God used to rebuild the walls.  Most of them could have said they didn't know what to do, but they did it anyway trusting God to help them and I am sure that some of them had to learn a new skill in order to rebuild the wall, which was the vision that God had given Nehemiah.  See what I am thinking.  God gave the vision to Nehemiah, but he needed all the people from all walks of life to get the job done.

Come to modern day.  We all have gifts and they are listed in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12: Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Encouragement, Contributing to the needs of others, Leadership, Mercy, Message of Wisdom, Message of Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miraculous Powers, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Different Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues.  To find what each of these entails see SPIRIT DRIVEN SUCCESS by Dani Johnson chapter 7.  So amazing and inspiring you cannot miss getting this book which is available on her WEBSITE  Got mine for only shipping and handling, but I think is $14.95 right now, but it is worth it.

All these gifts breakdown to five positions in modern day:  Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Pastor and Teacher.  see Chapter 8.  I have decided that my two major gifts lie in Prophets and Teacher.  That is why I feel the calling to go back to school and get my degree in Education and go teach.  I have felt this call for a long time but like Dani I wanted to deny it, but now it is so freeing to know that I am actually going back and developing my talents and I am going to walk in that faith.  That can't happen until January so I am going to work in my talents of Jewelry making and Prophecy until then.  I can see something from nothing.  That is Prophecy and that is where my jewelry talent comes from.  So amazing to understand all this. 

So the last thing is that when are talents are used in Unity we have a wonderful and amazing home life, business and church life.  However, so often the oppressor comes in and makes our talents to used destructively as Unity Killers which result in Jealousy, Judgment, and Pride. 

However, when we use our talents to be Unity Builders then we see the following happening Love, Acceptance, Teamwork, Humility, Encouragement, Honor and Obedience than we will be so fulfilled and happy.  Instead of running around being jealous of what other peoples talents are  grateful for ours and grow them and honor other peoples talents and abilities and encourage them to grow and develop their talents, which is a much more fulfilling way to live our lives.  It is so simple, but the oppressor has tried to teach us that we are to be caught up in our own selves and forget about those around us, but that is to our own determent's.  Loving and Honoring each other is the only way that we can really grow as people.

Dear Lord - I pray that you take away from me my spirit of Jealousy, Judgment, and Pride and replace it with the spirit of Unity - Help me to Love and Honor You everyday as the head of my life and the giver of freedom to my soul.  Lord replace my frustration and judgment on my husband which I always knew in my heart was wrong to a place of acceptance and love and honor.  May he be given the Love he needs, may he feel respected and appreciated by me everyday.  May I continue to make him the head of our household as you intended it to be.  When I stop trying to be the head then you can put your blessing on us once again.  So I surrender all the times I have tried to take his authority away from him or I have done what he has told me out of duty or when I just plain went behind his back and figured out a way to do what I wanted.  God I ask you forgiveness for this attitude and I pray you blessing on us.  I pray that I will learn to trust you and follow you no matter what happens.  Because you are the head of both of us and you will not allow him to do anything that you will not honor.  God I pray for the spirit of Unity in our home and in our business and our lives.  Lord replace Jealousy, Judgment and Pride with Love, Acceptance, Teamwork, Humility, Encouragement, Honor and Obedience.  God I am your child and help me to show other people through these simple steps how they can also have a new life that is full of acceptance by you.  You sent Jesus and he humbled Himself and became obedient unto death so that I might have life.  Never let me forget that sacrifice that he made for me.

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