Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012

It was a busy day -

Well I stepped out in Faith today and believed that I can help people with their weight loss journey and their health issues.

I met a few people who really are interested in my product and who just might try it.  I really love the way that the Lord just gave me faith and helped me keep going.  I booked another show that was really reasonable and it is three days.

If all the people show up that they say showed up last year.  Then it will be a great show.  The Lord is so good.  Have to really spend sometime getting Jewelry made the next few weeks.  I need a ton of necklaces. 

Lord - Thank you and praise you for the 17 people that came into my path today.  Hope that some of the people that could really have used this product will begin to see there and want to hear more about it.  So many people are so unhealthy and need to understand that they are killing themselves.  I could not believe the amount of people who were just dragging and you could see that the life was sucked out of them.  God give these people the desire to change their lives and understand that there is a better way to live. 

Thank you so much for herbalife.  If anyone is interested in finding out about how taking care of your body can make a difference in your journey in this world.  Check out  This will give you lots of great information.  The Shop Herbalife is on the right hand side of the page.  If you decided to order then "hudson" is the keyword. 

Being Healthy and Knowing that you are doing the best for your body makes you understand how easy it is to make a difference in your life without even realizing it.  God Bless Everyone.

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