Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012 -

It has been a strange day -

I just am having a real bad day.  Mike is driving me crazy.  He started school last night and he wants to do all his homework at once.  He doesn't have enough confidence in himself to make a decision by himself.  I have a headache the size of Texas.  It make me feel horriable that I don't have any patience with him.  God has a lot of patience with me, but I just can't find it for him.  why not?  Need to really work on this patience thing with him.

God gives us the ability to have this patience and I really need to work on mine.  God I am so sorry that I am losing my temper with him.  Lord I will be nice to my husband.  I will learn to be patient and help him.  I will not go crazy when he asks me a question.

I need to be teachable Lord - let me learn to be patient. 

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