Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, 2012

Unanswered Prayers and Praise

What a valuable lesson for me this morning.  I have never thought about when a prayer is unanswered what my response should be to that, but this morning the Lord is hitting me over the head with this concept.  When we have something that we have taken to the Lord and it seems like he is not answering it the way we are praying it then our only response should be praise.  WOW - what a difference this will make in my life with the weight loss and new business.  If I am waiting for God all I have to do is praise him while I wait.  That will help to get ride of my doubt and help me waiting for the Lord who always knows exactly what the outcome is going to be.  His timing is always perfect.  So the challenge in my devotions this morning was to write a Praise Song for Him.

God, I just want to Thank You for everything you have given me.  For a wonderful husband who is really wanting to grow in you.  Who is strong in his faith.  Who isn't caught up in the world and all it's stuff.  Who really enjoys the simple things in life and admires your beautiful creations like I do.  Who is willing to spend time with me doing things.  God he is wonderful man and I know that he loves you and that is priceless.  Father God, thank you for my wonderful family who loves you.  For a father and mother who brought me up in knowing who you are and how special a relationship with you and can never be replaced.  Thank you Lord for helping me sale your house.  God it is your house and you will provide a buyer when you know they are the right person and the right time.  God I praise you, for you own everything and I know that you have plans for everything so I know that when the time is right, your will, will be done.  God, thank you for teaching me each day about special things that I have never considered before in this way.  Thank you for making my life richer and for making me your special child.  Thank you for helping me find Herbalife.  God help me honor you through this business.  God you give your children what you know they need each day.  I give you my daily routine and pray that I praise you today like I never had.  Help me find praise in everything I do.  Knowing that you are the arthur and finisher of everything.  That is the joy of knowing you and knowing that you have everything that happens to us under control.  You know when things will happen and how it will happen.  God you are an awesome and mighty God and I honor you for that.  I praise you for everything and I want you to be glorified in all that I say and do.  Thank You Lord.

Pardon my grammer and puncuation.  Not my strong suit, but God just wants my worship so He is not worried about it.  It only matters that he is getting the praise that is due Him and it is from my heart.  I love Him and want my life to be used for Him.  No matter where that takes me or where he needs me to be.  I will not live in fear but in his victorious spirit.

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