Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2013

Give me deliverance from every harmful and unproductive fear.

I just don’t know what is going on with me the last couple of days.  I have felt like depressed, but I think it is this fear thing. I have been trying to get the inspiration to do jewelry and I haven’t really been feeling it.  I can’t seem to really get anything together that I feel is good.  Sometimes it is hard when you just can’t find any inspiration.

Then there’s the business. I am trying to sow lots of seeds and hope some will sprout.  I feel like I have done a lot of things to try and get the business going, but nothing is panning out.  Well I read in one of my devotionals that this is when you can get really discouraged right before things really get interesting and exciting.  I sure hope so.  I could use something to start to roll in the right direction.  Lots of things just seem to be stuck.

So then in my devotions this morning there was this verse which jumped right out to me and made me realize that I just need to do the work and let the Lord do the rest. I Chronicles 28:20b – Be strong and courageous, and do the work.  Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you.  He won’t leave you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the Lord’s house is finished.

This prayer wraps up everything that has been going on inside me.  This battle to learn to overcome fear has been a real learning experience for me.  I have so much fear in failure, doing things perfectly, being what I should be for my husband, don’t want anyone to be disappointed in me.  All these undo pressures and all I really need to worry about is that I am doing my best and that I am doing what God is asking me to do.  God I promise that I will learn to just trust you.  Help me to walk one step at a time one minute at a time and move when I need to move.

This prayer was I my devotional today - O God, give me deliverance from every harmful and unproductive fear. I know this is a prayer that you delight to answer, for You have fashioned me for faith, not for fear. help me, then, to surrender to what I am made for. Amen - Selwyn Hughes

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