Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

New Day – New Week – New Fears

Today is Monday and I am full of fear.  Not sure why.  It just seems that every Monday I have this unknown battle inside to fight starting the week over again.  Is it the unknown? Is it just me being lazy? I wish I could wake up every Monday and be excited to face the week, but sometimes there is this big feeling of dread and doom.  Not sure why it is like this.  It is like this for a lot of people.  Most people have this dread of Monday’s. 
What if I could just wake up and say.  Thanks Lord for another Monday and week to serve you.  To see what wonderful things I can do for you.  To see how many people I can encourage and let them know the Lord loves them. 

I am going to face this day in the fear of the Lord.  Let the Lord guide my day and make me what he wants me to be.  Have to make some calls this morning then off to Jackson for the day.  It is going to be one of those days.  I am so thankful Jesus for the love and you had for me that you gave your life on the cross that I might have life.  Help me even when I am afraid to go into the week to take one step at a time and let you guide me.  You are a mighty and wonderful God worthy of all my praise.  I love you and I trust you.

Just realized I should give God praise I have lost 1 more lb.  that means 15 lbs since I started my journey.  Thank You Jesus - feeling so much better and able to face each day.

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