Monday, July 23, 2012

July 22, 2012

Gideon and the Battle

Today in Sunday School we studied Gideon and the most important thing I kept getting out of it was this.  God wants people who are even afraid to just trust him and he will lead them step by step to where he wants them and give them the victory.  We can start out afraid, think we have what we need, but God sees the whole picture and he wants the glory so he may slowly get us to a point where he gets the glory.  Gideon started out with 32,000 men – God said too many – he got rid of 22,000 – God said still to many and he took those 10,000 and gave them a test and took them to 300 men.  Took them into the camp and heard them talking about the dream where they were defeated.  Gave Gideon just a glimpse of what it would be like to win.  Gideon has full confidence and follows the Lords plan and wins over 135,000 men.  It is amazing when we follow what the Lord wants us to do.  Even in the midst of the fear he uses us.

To me it is interesting that God didn’t tell him when he called him that he was going to only let he have 300 men to take to battle.  He took him through it step-by-step.  The Lord does the same for us.  If we knew what is in the future we would be paralyzed with fear, but God takes us one step at a time into the future and asks us to trust him and he will put us in the center of his will and give us victory.
God I trust you to take my life and use it the way that best fits your plan.  When I am scared be with me and help me walk through the valley’s and the mountain tops with you in my hands.  I Love you and want my life to be what you want it to be.  Not what I want.  Help me to be the person that gives you the glory and the praise.

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