Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012

Lord Bring Me Closer

Lord, bring me closer day by day to that place of deep confidence and absolute trust. May I know You so deeply that nothing I see around me shakes or shatters my belief in Your unchanging goodness. Amen   - HCSB study bible

 Today I understand the first time concerning doing the hard things in your life and just facing them instead of burying yourself behind food.  Does that sound strange.  I guess it could be considered unreasonable, but yesterday was the best day that I have had in a long time in having a balanced life.  I made three sets of phone calls on the business and each time I had to make myself make the calls.  However, I have two appointments set up for next week to call people that may be interested in doing their own business.  In my first week at least I got people to talk to me, but I did what in the pit of my stomach I did not want to do, but I did not prolong and did it as scheduled.  I said all this to say that this morning I woke up with a 2.5 lbs loss on the scale.  Yes I have lost 14.5 lbs.  I am so excited.  I just keep plugging along at .5 lb or more each day. 

I attribute this is setting the right priorities, which is what the Lord keeps pointing out to me.  I am having my time with him each morning and I am spending time getting to know the Lord like I have not since HS and College.  I had that foundation, but I had gotten away from it.  The more time I spend with him each morning the easier it is to face my day and prioritize.  I am learning a new way to live and it is great.  It is freeing.  It is putting the Lord first no matter what and loving what I am learning from him.  He is amazing and wonderful and worthy to be praised.

Lord you have done all this greatness, making known all these great promises because of your servant and according to your will.

LORD, there is no one like You, and there is no God besides You, as all we have heard confirms – I Chronicles 17:19,20.

God it is my personal pray that you will keep me hungry for your word and growing in your word every day.  Show me how to obey and face my fears and use your fear to guide.  Do not let me be overcome with fear, but let me face each day knowing that you are my soul, that you will hold me in your hand and guide me.  Bring the right people into my life and make me bold and a servant to those around.  Help me provide a service to them and teach them what a great and mighty God that you are,  Thank You most of all for bringing herbalife into our lives.  To be able to lose this weight and learn all these amazing things makes me complete and I know that the last few years of my life will be strong and courageous built on my true knowledge of who you are and what you want from me.

If anyone reads this blog go to  To get more information on how to lose weight safe and effectively.

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