Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012

God’s Guidance in the midst of change

Today my devotions are interestingly getting me to think of two things:  Faith and Action

First I read about David’s taking over Israel after the death of Saul and I noticed that God kept bring more and more soldiers to him.  God assembled an army for David, but when he decided to move the Ark which everyone agreed with him was a great idea.  When Uzzah reached out when it started to tumble God struck him dead and David took the Ark to Obed-edom house and it says- “The ark of God remained with Obed-edom’s family in his house for three months, and the Lord blessed his family and all that he had.”  His presence is an amazing thing. David thought he was doing the right thing because he wanted the presence of the Lord with him, but when his soldier died he immediately changed his mind and the family that got the ARK found God’s blessing.  My devotional pointed out that a lot of us say we want God’s will in our lives, but we never sit still enough with him in order to know what his will is.  I have to confess this has been me for most of my life.  I have attempted many times in my life to have a daily devotion, but I always got distracted.   

But now I have made this commitment and an order to hold myself accountable it is the first thing I am doing when I get up and then I am writing this journal so that is more than just some words I read.  I am studying and actually be quiet before the Lord to see what he wants from me.
There is a deep peace that I have felt the last three days.  It has really helped me focus and keep on task and know what my purpose is each day.  The last six months I could have been doing this, but I just kept putting other little petty things in front of making sure God was my priority.  In history when God has been the priority the Lord has honored these people for their faithfulness.
God I want to be your servant that puts you first – makes my life what you want – Understands that you have a plan for me and all I have to do is walk one step at a time with your commands. 

My prayer from my devotional:  O spirit of the living God, help me tune my heart so that I can hear Your voice, for without Your guidance my life lacks mission and direction. Take the reins of my life and guide me.  For Jesus’ sake, I pray, Amen.   

This is my goal – Find the mission and direction that my life needs to take each day.  Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me.  Let me be open and willing to share it with others who do not know what a wonderful God you are and how much you love each and everyone of us.

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