Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

Learning to Be Bold and Courageous and Not Afraid -

I have been listening to Dani Johnson concerning proverty and God’s call on our lives.  This morning in my devotion a revelation from Psalm 81:8 – “Listen, my people, and I will admonish you, Isreal, If you would only listen to Me.” God is making me understand that I just need to take the time each day to Listen to Him. (My Devotional Time is a must if I am ever going to overcome fear and anxiety and make my life what he wants it to be.  Then in Psalm 81:16 –“But He would feed Isreal with the best wheat. I would satisfy you with honey from the rock.”  Wow- when I listen and follow him then he gives us the best.  Then the first part of my My Old Testament Reading this morning was from the old testament where he was assigning each person a duty and responsibility.  So I know he has a plan for me too.  He didn’t make any of us without a plan.  Jeremiah 29:11 – “I know the plans I have for you, plans for a future and a hope."  my paraphrase

I have heard all my life that each person has his own talents and God put us here for a purpose and  I have tried to live my life with this in mind.

We’ll right now has hit harder than ever.  I am trying to start this business and I am not sure how my talents fit into it.  I know it is a business that can help people live better than before.  It will help them feel better and age better than they ever imagined.  So God help me introduce person to this product honest trying to help them live a better life.  I know it can make miracle changes in my own life, I just have to take it one step at a time.  I keep thinking it is like my Christianity.  I have the most wonderful gift in the world yet I am afraid to tell people.  So I want to learn to be bold and unafraid.

I am afraid of people period.  I love words, thoughts, concepts.  Yet you made me this way.  So that you could teach me how to overcome this fear and rely on you to make me bold.  God make me bold to talk to people about you and about Salvation.  Help me Listen to You.  Help me to know myself like I have never know and be open to your leading in my life. 

First I have to get this house in a manner in which I am taking care of what you gave me.  Free from the feelings of fear and put your FEAR in me.  Lord help me not to be afraid in you.

God I promise you that today I will do the following:
1.        Do the table and take a picture and mail it back to Martin
2.       Go to the Library and get stuff on Blogging and Advertising
3.       Take a one month picture of me
4.       Get our meeting done with Kelly 11:00
5.       Get together fill up both Garbage cans and get to curb
6.       Spend one hour with Mike on his reading assignment

God make me strong in you.  Help me listen to you.  Make me bold and courageous.
We'll I got all this done today - Going to spend an hour with Mike and I added that I want to work on Jewelry for two hours tonight and make three necklaces.

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