Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, 2012
Discovering Me for the First Time in a Long Time


What an interesting 24 hours I have had.  My new book by Dani Johnson arrived yesterday.  I started reading it and I could not put it down.  The Lord was just speaking to me about how he has a plan and if I will just follow it He will guide me.

 Do I think that this new business opportunity came into my life by chance?   

 No way he had a plan and he is working it out through me.  He brought the right business at the right time in my life.  I have been faithful to him with my job and now he will be faithful to me in my new business as long as I follow his keys to success.  Dani is going to teach those to me.  There are twelve laws of which I got through Seven of them last night.

 Just like David when he went back to get the Ark a second time to bring it back to Jersulem he did it God’s way.  The first time he went out and started it on his own and immediately one of the people died.  David when he attempted it the second time said that he was going to do it God’s way and the Lord blessed him and gave him all that he could have desired.  When he tripped and fell he paid the consequences.  So in the laws of finance.  If you follow the laws then they will produce results.

Here are the laws:
#1 The Law of Vision
                #2 The Law of the Mind

                #3 The Law of Value
                                Professional Skills
                                People Skills
                               Personal and Leadership development

                #4 The Law of Reading and Sowing
                                Take Responsibility
                                Reap and Sow with Money

                #5 The Law of Desire
                                Desire Reveals Design and Destiny
                                You were born with Gifts
                                Enthusiasm and Press
                                Risk Taking and Adventure
                                The Gift to Get Over it
                                Learning to Fly

                #6 The Law of Teachability
                                Ego Keeps you broke
                                The Ego’s disguises
                                Confronting Ego

                #7 The Law of forgiveness

If you want more information on each of these:  First Steps to Wealth by Dani Johnson.  She is in the web at  She has been a King David.  She has been there and done that.  Done it man’s way and now God’s way.  She has a real heart for the Lord just listen to her pray and talk about the studying she has done.  I have always been very weak at having my devotions.  Hit or Miss is not even close, but when I as  young I would memorize like crazy and I have used those verses over the years.  Even with Bible College I studied, but I think it has taken me to the last few years since Larry died to see how precious my relationship with the Lord has been in my life.  I am so lucky to have found him at an early age and been in his hands all these years.  I followed these principals in my job and I was able to work my way up from Secretary to Circulation Manager.  I will follow these principals now in my business and I know that God will bless me. I had a relationship with God all those years and I trusted it and I put a lot in his hands, but this is different.  This life changing adventure I am on now is completely different.  I am learning to completely take his principals and incorporate them at a deeper level than before.  God he is amazing and he is making me understand that he has every little thing under his command and all I need to do is follow him.  Step by Step – Minute by Minute.  When I honor him he can honor me.  Invest in my relationship with him and he will invest in me. 

 One Last thing I want to talk about today is Vision – I want to have a Vision for God and what he sees is important.  I want to be able to go all over the world helping the poor and the needy.  I want to have a successful business that allows me to travel taking beautiful pictures of other countries.  I want to be down to healthy weight that allows me to live like other people.  I want to know that I am helping other people find themselves and work their goals so that they can enjoy the wonderful plan that God has for them.  So many people today just don’t understand God and his plans for them.  They think that he is some fantasy that Christians make up to cope with life, but if they only knew how real he is and how much he wants them to know him and have a loving relationship with them.  They would not mock him they would fall in his lap and tell him that whatever it takes I will do what you want me to do.  God you are amazing and awesome and I want nothing more than to serve you and give you the glory for my entire life.  Help me bold and courageous to share this with everyone I meet.

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