Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012
WOW - What a Great Day for Business!!!!

The day has been quite an adventure.  The Seeds are starting to sprout and I know that God has got his hand on me and he is going to turn this business into an amazing operation.

Today:  Productivity - Reserved the room for the WLC to begin on August 27th at 6:00pm.  Will be our first meeting. Now to go out and recruit, but I was told about the Radio station here in town that I can talk too and send it to the paper for News and Notes which I should be able to get it in there and maybe if the Lord really wants it I can get it the church happening to. 

I also got my first DP out the door.  Thanks You Lord.  I listened to Dani Johnson for 30 minutes today.  Got a call from the Gym.  I also sent out a decision package for Healthy Shakes. 

But I really love what I got from Dani - She said that not everyone will get it.  Just keep planting the seeds and you will know when someone gets it and those are the people you need.  So it made me so much more comfortable with the business. So you are looking for the pearls who will go out and duplicate yourself. 

Tomorrow it is Jewelry day and ebay sell-off 15 things listed on ebay tomorrow.  Plus I am going to send my first Alice's Jewelry Design contest out.  Post some of the things I got done last week and then maybe offer up something if people share.  I am going to make Angie Necklace and I am going to post what I made last week on my page.  I have to start spending Tues and Thursday with this jewelry.  I need to make three things tomorrow.  Let just make that a goal.

I still need to connect online to apply for jobs.  I applied for one last week so I need to do another one tomorrow for this week.  I need to sign up tonight on the website to get information to me.

My message today from the scripture was concerning the people who continued to do what God wanted them to do even when no one around them was doing it.  The people knew what they were suppose to do, but directly disobeyed and so they had the penality to pay for it.  But the ones who continued with him God blessed them for doing what he said to do.  God may I always be the person who you can count on to follow you.  May I never take you for granted again in my life.

I want to be the person that God blesses because I listen and go where he tells me to go.  I reach out to people who need someone to care and help them.  God let me trust you. God let me listen when I need to listen and act when I need to act.  Teach me to read people properly.  God help me to please just make sure that I am working and being productive everyday.

God Bless Everyone -

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