Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012

 Pastor Sermon - Why do I have doubts?

WOW - this was the perfect sermon for me this morning.  Mike woke up feeling a lot of fears and I spent my morning trying to get him to understand that we have to work the plan before we can expect it to produce.  So when our pastor preached on Doubts and what causing them I was like - WOW Lord your timing is just amazing. 

Here is a summary:  Why do we have doubts?
1.  We become OVERWHELMED by the storms because they are sometimes sudden, severe, and spooky. 
2.  We OVERLOOK the Saviour and his Supremacy and Sympathy - He knows what is going on and it is under his feet.
3.  We become OVERCOME by Saints who disappoint us or who fails us.  - We have to keep our eyes on Jesus.  Be a RISK TAKER.  When we trust the Lord and let him keep everything under his feet.

Now I am listening to Dani Johnson and she is reminding me that I have to let God be God.  He has called us and asked us to do what he wants us to do.  She talked earlier about Discipline.  That is the main reason I started this journey.  I realized that I have never really been disciplined in the way that I want to be.  So this journey is also to help me develope it.  I want to be sure and get up and have my devotions everyday, eat right, and exercise.  Those are my first priorities. 

Then I am learning new skills to help me develop my business and be a good business person.  I have never tried to be a business owner before and quite frankly it scares the me to death, but I am learning that I just have to be faithful and work everyday 100% toward growing my business.  I have to keep my priorities correct - God - Family- Business.  I have not always done this in my lifetime.  I will learn these disciplines and God actions.

I want to Thank Jesus everything for everything he has given me and I will trust him and be excited about everything that he gives me.  I will continue to grow each day in his path.


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